Senses d.o.o. Quality, wishes, design.
Company SENSES d.o.o. was founded in 1992. It is known as a micro-enterprise and mainly focuses on the domestic market, although opportunities abroad are opening up. In its more than twenty years of existence, it boasts high-quality products that are made with an extremely flexible approach. The company can also boast with an efficient climate inside and outside the area of operations. The sole way of working is very flexible and offers clients an individual approach that includes counselling, availability and reliability. The products that are offered are created and designed according to the wishes of customers.
We are committed to the quality of products and aesthetic refinement.
The central vacuum cleaning system is undoubtedly the most perfect way of vacuuming, in terms of preventing the accumulation of dust and allergens in the living environment, as it is the only closed vacuum system where the vacuumed dust and waste “flow” down the pipe system directly into the tray outdoors or outside the living environment.
The first part of the activity is the design, consulting and assembling of the installation.
Central vacuum cleaning systems are delivered, installed and serviced. Prior to this, based on years of experience, we suggest a vacuuming unit that is suitable for your facility.
The company SENSES d.o.o. offers high quality central vacuum cleaning systems. We are representatives of the Canadian company CYCLO-VAC and we also offer items from the British company GLOBOVAC. Both suppliers are the best quality suppliers in the world of central vacuum cleaning systems.
During the preparation of the installation the tube system is ”led” to the wall, where in the future there will be the vacuuming sockets. The sockets are arranged around the facility in such a manner that the vacuuming tube reaches every part of the house. It is important that they seal, as that is a means of creating negative pressure. Depending on the number of sockets, the intensity and type of the vacuuming unit is then selected.